
Miss Delaware x Miss America Pageant


Anonymous said...

Nebby I love your blog! Just wanted to let you know that you are on Bossip.com today!! http://bossip.com/329282/what-are-all-your-names-again-drizzy-drake-hottest-lyrical-conquests/9/

Nebby said...

Thank you....and thank you for letting me know lol

Anonymous said...

If this chick was on a quest to re-define beautiful, she'd leave the wigs at home and compete.

Nebby said...


Janine said...

I hear what you're saying, Anonymous and I agree...but I get why she still competes with the wigs. People see a woman who has close cut hair or is bald and their reaction is vitriolic. In a beauty pageant? She wouldn't get past the pre-lims. It's unfortunate, but we are hair obsessed. Look how much money we spend on weaves and such. Hair is a billion dollar industry. It will take a while for attitudes regarding the lack of it (ESPECIALLY a woman's lack of it) to change.