
Let's Pray

The Web site InformationAgePrayer.com offers, for people too busy to speak to God themselves, a daily service of invocations (using voice-synthesizing software) for Catholics, Protestants, Jews or Muslims. Starting each day "reciting" the Lord's Prayer (or the Islamic Fajr) is $3.95 a month. Hail Marys are 70 cents a day for 10. A Complete Rosary Package is $49.95 a month. Each prayer is voiced individually, according to a March report on LiveScience.com, with the subscriber's name on the screen, and for Muslim prayers, the computer's speakers point toward Mecca. Amazing....but that's not what gramma meant when she said you need to pray every day!


Janine said...

I mean are we THAT busy??? You have got to be the laziest sack of dookie on the planet that you would rather PAY money to have a robot pray for you, than to take 5 mins to do it yourself.

Make me mad...

dreamteam89 said...

mashallah nebby : )