
My Hero

Steven Slater
If you dont know him...Google him...


Andy. said...

saw this story yesterday.. his getaway (using the emergency slide) might be the best part of this story for me.

Janine said...

LMAO!! Andy I was thinking the same thing! Him grabbing the beers, deploying the slide and making his escape. I imagine him screeching like a cat in heat the whole time. LOL LOL LOL!

AHungryFatAss said...

I would love to see the footage of him sitting in the car while driving home and drinking, because you know he was talking all types of shit, lol.

But I do feel bad in a way, because apparently his mom was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and he has been taking care of her. Someone just pushed the wrong button...

O yeah, LOL, get this, when the police went looking for him, they found him in bed with his boyfriend, hehehe. Guess he needed to blow off some more steam. ; )