
Miss Jackson Swimwear

Lisa Jackson or Miss Jackson if you're nasty will be debuting her sexy "Lovelorn Assasin" collection this Sunday July 24th @ Skybar.
Visit www.missjacksonswimwear.com for more eye candy.


Anonymous said...

I resent that I HAD to attend this fashion show because I wanted to get into Day n Night. It was really presumptious of her to assume that the crowd would want to see the swimwear. Why not just have your show somewhere and invite those who actually care/want to see it?

Miss Jackson said...

The promoters of Day and Night wanted the show to happen at their event darling. Not presumptuous, at all. Most of the people that were there at the early hour were invited and eager to see the show. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy it.

Miss Jackson

Chuck said...

Refer only to your darlings as "darling", if you'd like to make that case for not being presumptuous...

Anonymous said...

i didn't come for the show but i loved it! the women were gorgeous and so was the swimwear.

reesee said...

Everything was entirely fabulous. You're the only woman I leave my house for, Miss Jackson! <3

Lex said...

What a beautiful collection Lisa- I was completely blown away. Now gimme one! <3

Anonymous said...

What Chuck said.

Anonymous said...
