


Anonymous said...

Aw, the picture is so adorable. Little badass, haha.

Ps. Is Ramadan for 30 days straight or with breaks in between? Good luck to everyone! I have the utmost respect for you. : )

Nebby said...

No breaks 30 day challenge ahahah from sun up to sun down

AHungryFatAss said...

Aw, thank you, Nebs.

I'm hungry as fuck, though. And I'm scared to go grocery shopping with an empty stomach.

StillHungry said...

Neb, you've experienced Ramadan in Morocco right? Do you miss it? I can just imagine the atmosphere on the streets, the smells coming from the restaurants and the bustling scenes in the souks. Unfortunately, I have never experienced Ramadan in Morocco, but I'm used to having my family around during the 'iftar' with all type of dishes on the table (bestilla, shebakia, lemsemen, harira, briwat etc. etc.) and now I take my ass every night to KFC for some fried chicken, lol. By the end of this road I'm going to be depressed and fat.

Nebby said...

Yessss ihave!! it's sooo much more different because everyone participates and it makes it so much more beautiful, everything you mentioned plus more.
now that i live alone i feel u on the wack ftour routine. I go to my moms restaurant to at least get a few things so i can have some in my fridge but its not the same :( aw well. it's 30 days of sacrifice we can do itttt