

I watched 30 seconds  and skipped all the way to the end SMH

All Neb wants is good music


pris said...

ahaaaaa me too!! I've just watched this video on CL. What's wrong with Miss Keri Babeeee?!?

TheDeF said...

you're my insulin? really? oh wait, its Plies...figures.

can we like bring back some of that FIRE ASS 90's music? That good shit. I'm so over the whats on the tv/radio right now. Nothing has has staying power anymore. I can't see myself missing today's music 10 years from now, after like a week I don't wanna hear it again ever.

Nicki said...

Totally off topic, but thank you Nebby for introducing me to Tumblr (I didn't know about it until I saw yours listed on your blog) and also thanks for following me...you're my only follower so far so I appreciate it lol. It's sooo addicting but an amazing way to scrapbook and express yourself. I've always wanted to start a blog but I know how difficult it can be...maybe tumblr will be a gateway for one day starting up my own blog. Thanks again! :)

Nebby said...

lol @ the def u always kill me!!!

Nicki YOU ARE WELCOME!! im new too its fun!!

giggle.fitz said...

FINALLY somebody says it!

mea.banks said...

haha plies is still sexy to me. lol but this song is the definition of corny. kerrriii babbbbbeeee

Shakira said...

As soon as they said insulin it kinda creeped me out.

Idk what Plies be thinking sometimes. . weird ass dude.