
Raindrops- Jeremih

I'm in love i'm in love i'm in love.

Nebby got a THANG for strippers ! Especially when they are built like that


Anonymous said...

What's with all these girls loving strippers?? Lame...

Nebby said...

FIRST OF ALL. it's NOT lame. you my friend are lame for gathering an opinion like that. I can only speak about me when i say that it's the song and its art to my eyes, the body movements it's like sex but not sex i can't explain it im just VERY intrigued by it


omg omg i luv luv it the song completely matching the atmosphere of magic city!!! im into them strippers so bad... and thoses girls we gotta give them props 3 on a pole at the same time!! get outta here!!! dats dopey!!!

Anonymous said...

first invented sex,
now raindrops..i can't
handle all this sexual tension!

Nebby said...

you and me BOTH damnit

TheDeF said...

@ the last anonymous....lol don't you know it baby makin season?!?!?!? the love, sex, or just plain old fuckin music is in full effect.

Nina said...

love the song

mea.banks said...

LOL did u see the Franchize boys getting danced for....this Jermih video glamorizes stripping... that clip shows u what magic city is really on .. girls letting dudes rate their pussies while they lay with their legs around their head.. what if one of them farted.. ok eww im joking...
I gotta be honest .. i like going to the strip clubs... but i like a burlesque approach..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont know what i have just seen in this video! But it makes me wanna work learn how to work the pole. Not in a strip club but in my own home. Yup way to much tension in these vids invented sex & raindrops. This song made me wanna jst visit magic city and see what its all about. I have a love hate relationship with strippers. And whats wrong with girls liking strippers its not lame at all.


Anonymiss said...

I feel like I just had sex with three very fit women lol

TheDef... LOL

I think girls like strippers because it's a way of expressing their own sexuality vicariously. EVERY GIRL does that sexy dance when they're alone yo lol, it's like singing in the shower. Also, it satisfies curiosity to a certain extent. I mean, I have no issue admitting a girl is attractive or whatever, but to actually go through with anything sexual... meh. Seeing a video like that or watching a girl reveal her erotic self brings a certain level of water to that fire. People are so hung up on society's standards and definitions of who a person is based on their job description that we're supposed to automatically think "oh stripper = hoe, 3 kids by 3 guys, good for nothing, lazy", etc. If it's a numbers game, they make more than your anonymous ass lol. And if it's a character thing, do you have any idea how confident you have to be in yourself to parade your body like that? Just like with any other trade people slip up and get caught up in the lifestyle. I'm not trying to advocate for strippers or even imply that it's empowering to women, but it is for some what it's not for others. If you can't understand or respect the fact that someone likes something different than what you like, you should take it back to the 3rd grade where they were supposed to have taught you that people are different and we all have our own likes and dislikes. Different strokes for different folks.

end rant lol

Laila said...

HEY! This is not what they teach us in pole dancing class...they don't go to this extreme :@ This is what I need to be learning! *quits pole dancing classes and puts Raindrops vid on repeat*