NOW IT'S TIME FOR SOME HOODRAT THANGS THAT ME N MY FRIENDS LIKE TO SEE/DO! (big ups to crackberry cam phones)So this car pulled up next to mine...i couldn't believe it really said that!!!lol

You know i beez out checkin the skrippers while watching the game

Now this be Andy sitting on the best seat in the house ... MOI

This right all about Jason, the joke was on him, but for some reason he thought it was HILAR

Now this pretty stylish mami was at school with a clear ass bag and she was looking for something for a hot ass minute...i didn't get it, she could CLEARLY see thru the damn thing.

LOL oh how i miss this colleague of mine (he got the boot) he brought this into work with him one day ..awkward..but funny

now thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis is some fly shit, he pulled up next to my whip and made me wanna throw some Es on my shit too, i had to ask him where he got them at, he said "the states" hmm...

This was just weird for me....two bike...

I thought it was a joke when someone told me that there are a lot of "Hells Angels" in the Toronto/Montreal area UNTIL i actually seen em, this lady had a damn casket in the back of her bike with a hand coming out of it, now that's a bad bad bitch, good thing i didn't get beat up for taking the pic cuz i thought she was by herself and when i turned the corner her whole damn crew was chillin

And now with some unhoodrat thangs...say hi to my new G-ma shoes!