

Google has a new search engine to help repopulate the Amazons and forests around the world. It is called www.ecoogler.com and it opperates the same as google.com Each time you use it you will be donating a leaf. With millions of users, the trees multiply.Please get on board and pass it on to as many people you can. It is little effort on your part and you are helping a lot. Thanks for helping to save our planet! How it works? For every search in Ecoogler, you contribute symbolically to reforest one leaf. For every 10.000 searches, Ecoogler and Aquaverde plant a tree in the Amazon. Google ha sacado un nuevo buscador para ayudar a repoblar el amazonas y los bosques de todo el mundo. Se llama www.ecoogler.com , funciona igual que el buscador google.com y cada vez que lo usemos se donará 1 hoja (muchas hojas hacen un árbol). ES MUY IMPORTANTE QUE LO PASES ya que no nos cuesta nada y AYUDAMOS MUCHO. ¡¡PÁSALO!!REENVIARLO ....

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