
I don't watch the shore anymore BUT

I do love me some Snooks

Snookie is pissed cuz Neyo was shocked that she was on Rolling Stone.
I don't think he meant it in a bad way cuz I was a lil shocked too but do I think you deserve it?! HELL YES!! and yes, you are an amazing person.

"I was just really upset. I’m a big fan of Ne-Yo. Every song was on my iPod and I deleted them yesterday just because of his comments. Why do you hate me? I’m the nicest person ever. I understand you are a little mad cause your career is not up right now and I’m on the cover but you know what–like I’m a nice person and I deserve it, so get over it.”

Neyo obviously has some free time lately so he responded saying this:

“I don’t know her so I can’t disrespect her, but I feel like Rolling Stone is a music magazine, and for them to put her on the cover, it’s like, ‘Really?’”

Yes snookie, you go girl do whatever the fuk you want, just stay the good person that you are :)
PS: You look hot on that fukin cover, Rolling Stone knows what they're doing don't pay attention to Neyo.

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