Last night my homies were in town and i LOVE when Boston comes to me :) i get super homesick sometimes and to see familiar faces give me that oh so good feeling in my ♥
I met up with the boys and we hit up the
Thank You party for Brock's B-Day. When we first got there Trexx showed us to our huge booth area where NO ONE was, the boys ordered bottles of Al but DID NOT DRINK due to the fact that they had a Game today (which we won WOOP WOOOP!!) so they ordered allll this al but they were NOT drinking so we sat down for a bit and i walked around to find some friends to say hello to and invite to sit with us then I ran into Jason!!! always a pleasant face to see! and i told him straight up YO! we need some
"girls" [i placed that in " " because that's not exactly what i said to Jason but i do not in any way shape or form want to disrespect and
"girls" out there, to each his own just know it
IS trickin...even if you got it.] anyway so to make the long story short the booth area went from me and two homies to us and 30+ "girls"
LOL we had so much fun i didn't take any pictures but
Nat took some so here it go:
This is Falesha, she...well....hmm...let's just say i made sure her, alongside a selected few' glass stayed full at all times, They are NOT to be confused with one of the "girls"
This right here is the booth area 10 min after we got there FULL TO THE MAX!!! Me standing on the couch behind Gabe observing the scene on the right, Jason recruiting on the left, and patrick's big ass taking applications ahead lol
Pouring drinkses for the peoples :)
The love bellow
Lissa ALL smiles :D
check out the dirty look the girl in the red top is giving you LMAO
Look like you had fun kinda sorta but it look like it was HOT as HELL in the
Sounds like a good time! i want to pack my bags and come party with you, i'm going to take 3 days off the first one we can party with the celtics, the second the cool kids and that boy Marc then the last night kick it with Drizzy, is that ok with you? i hope so because i'm going to start packing now.
ok wait, you're friends with NBA dudes... girl, who the hell are you like really???? lol
This has nothing to do with the post but Boston sounds so nice right now. lol Those boys are effing insane and so damn sexy. One word: Wahlberg.
Looking mad fun!!!!:)
All I remember is looking around and saying "where did all these girls come from"
I had non-hoeish fun non the less
good night!
bahahahahahaha, i second nat on this one, plenty of non-hoeish fun was had! great night :)
I see Patrick O'Bryant.. who else were the ballers?
You are very pretty!!!
and your friends SEXY!
that patrick boy mm mm mmmmm
LMAO @ the video!!! he's cuuuuuuute
Question? Who are the 30+ "girls" that were there for ur ball players??? Cuz I was there for my homegirls bday party in the same HUGE booth...and "UR" huge booth was not all URS lol sorry to disappoint u...ur HUGE booth was shared!!!...u can ask Trexxx :)))
And the ladies are NOT to be confused with one of the "girls"
yea i'm already aware of that T did tell me that some ladies were going to occupy the one next to us the whole area was shared but i was particularly talking about our section that went from 0 to 30 ... if you were enjoying yourself in your side the whole time and not ours there there is nothing to worry about ;)
Thats wassup to the ladies that were chilling and having a good time BUT i know exactly who was NOT acting lady-like the same ones i nodded my head at when i came back the next day that were leaving the hotel in their clothes from the night before , with that said the "girls" know who they are.
I never understood why people get offended when no one is even talking bout them SMH
LMAO @ leaving the hotel the next morning with the same clothes on from the night before LOL LOL you put em on blast neb now it make sense who the "girls" and the ladies are.
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